VVIP+++ Please, Baby, Please (Classic Board Books) by Spike Lee,Tonya Lewis Lee
Please, Baby, Please (Classic Board Books) by Spike Lee,Tonya Lewis Lee pdf epub free download zip rar/online
Little Simon; Brdbk edition (September 18, 2007)
Please, Baby, Please (Classic Board Books) by Spike Lee,Tonya Lewis Lee
Please, Baby, Please (Classic Board Books) by Spike Lee,Tonya Lewis Lee is We have a 19 month old foster child who is African American so I tried to buy a lot of board books featuring African Americans. This is by far her favorite book. She asks us to read it to her over and over again. I'm not sure if she likes the repeating rhythm of the "Baby, Baby, Please, Baby,," or maybe because it features a mother kissing her child goodnight and she misses her mom. My husband read this to her many times before he finally noticed it was written by Spike Lee. The artwork is beautiful and simple and features activities babies normally do. Our foster child likes to point at the ball and say "ball" and point at the baby's head and say "head." This book is a winner for sure.
Please, Baby, Please (Classic Board Books) by Spike Lee,Tonya Lewis Lee is This is my 2nd time purchasing a copy of this board book. For some reason they just get really well-loved. Both love the repetition of the lines. My oldest (now 7), damaged the spine after much handling when she was little so it had to be tossed. My youngest, now 15 months, was a nibbler and chewed on a lot of her books, including this one (I think I'll save it this time just to show her years from now, as in "look what you did to your favorite book!")I bought this board book as well as 'I Like Myself' by Karen Beaumont, 'Girl of Mine' by Jabari Asim, and 'I Can Do It Too' by Karen Baicker (all are available in board-book format and starring brown girl characters) for her 1st Christmas back in December 2017.
Please, Baby, Please (Classic Board Books) by Spike Lee,Tonya Lewis Lee is My 19 month old son's favorite book! He loves to read, and he requests "Baby, Baby" (as he calls it) multiple times per day! My husband fell in love with the illustrations, and I love the rhythm of the book, and that the vocabulary was perfect for learning toddlers! We own both the paperback (which we received as a gift) and the board book. The paperback's illustrations are larger and more vibrant (so I prefer this version), but we ordered the board book for durability.
Please, Baby, Please (Classic Board Books) by Spike Lee,Tonya Lewis Lee is I first purchased this book about four years ago when my daughter was about 2 years old and it was a huge hit with my kid! Now I'm a stepmom to my guy's 2-year-old who is very active like the child in the story, maybe more so... Needless to say, the book is a huge hit for her, too, and my 6-year-old likes to listen in when I read to the 2-year-old! It brings back great memories for my older girl and sparks a sense of familiarity for my younger girl since she does ALL of the same things as the adorable protagonist!Additionally there are just enough words to hold the attention of a toddler and the illustrations are perfect for a brief discussion of each scene. "Do you think it's okay to put your soiled diaper in the toy box? No... Where should we put our soiled pull-ups? That's right - in the trash can!!"The pictures are also great for developing the skill to identify things. "Can you find the banana among all the bubbles? Can you find the puppy on this page? Look at this baby's cute, curls! Do you have curly hair?"I can't say enough great things about this book! I am not at all a fan of Spike's films, but I do love his children's books!!