
VVIP+++ Indestructibles: Love You, Baby by Stephan Lomp

VVIP+++ Indestructibles: Love You, Baby by Stephan Lomp

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Indestructibles: Love You, BabyStephan Lomp

About the Author Stephan Lomp has been writing and illustrating books with publishers in Germany, the UK, France, Spain, and the United States since 1996. He lives with his family in Düsseldorf, Germany.  Read more

Workman Publishing Company (August 8, 2017)

Indestructibles: Love You, Baby by Stephan Lomp

Indestructibles: Love You, Baby by Stephan Lomp is I took this out of the package and said, 'Indestructible? Yeah Right.' But really after my mail delivery person punched it into my mailbox (she hates us), my 1 year old tried to sharpen her teeth on it and take bites out of it, and I have shoved it into and pulled it out of the diaper bag, it looks brand new. I need a few more of these.

Indestructibles: Love You, Baby by Stephan Lomp is I bought a few of these indestructible books, and I was initially really excited about them. We haven’t even had this one a full week, and it’s already coming apart at the hands of my four and a half month old. I’m feeling pretty disappointed in the quality. An “indestructible” book shouldn’t come apart after a few days with an infant.

Indestructibles: Love You, Baby by Stephan Lomp is ABSOLUTE FAVORITE! I love reading your to my 7mo be old son, but more importantly he loves to 'read' it by himself. As advertised, he can chew on it, out on it, etc, and it does not rip. He did wrinkle up the pages very quickly, but this actually makes it easier for him to grip and turn the pages himself, so it's actually a plus!

Indestructibles: Love You, Baby by Stephan Lomp is I didn't quite believe the hype that this could be indestructible. They hadn't met my baby, after all. This is the baby that puts everything in her mouth and subsequently rips it to pieces at lightening speed. Ever a lover of books, it's good not to worry that there will be chunks missing out of this book. There's peace of mind that I don't have to keep watching for the baby to be swallowing part of her favorite book. She absolutely loves this book. It's helped her be more gentle on her other books. I'm not too worried about the length of it as she still thoroughly enjoys "reading" it.