
VVIP+++ Barron's AP Human Geography Flash Cards by Meredith Marsh Ph.D.,Peter S. Alagona Ph.D.

VVIP+++ Barron's AP Human Geography Flash Cards by Meredith Marsh Ph.D.,Peter S. Alagona Ph.D.

Barron's AP Human Geography Flash Cards by Meredith Marsh Ph.D.,Peter S. Alagona Ph.D. pdf epub free download zip rar/online

Barron's AP Human Geography Flash CardsMeredith Marsh Ph.D.,Peter S. Alagona Ph.D.

About the Author Meredith J. Marsh received her bachelor’s degree in geography from Calvin College in 1999, her Master’s Degree in geography from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) in 2003, and her Ph.D. (also in geography) from UCSB in 2009. Meredith has worked as a Reader for the APHG exam in 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, and 2014, and she is currently an associate professor of geography at Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Missouri.Peter S. Alagona is an assistant professor of history and environmental studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He holds an M.A. degree in geography from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in history from the University of California, Los Angeles. He has also held academic positions at both Harvard and Stanford universities. Read more

Barrons Educational Series; Third edition (February 1, 2017)

Barron's AP Human Geography Flash Cards by Meredith Marsh Ph.D.,Peter S. Alagona Ph.D.

Barron's AP Human Geography Flash Cards by Meredith Marsh Ph.D.,Peter S. Alagona Ph.D. is Amazing for studying! The cards were organized by unit so I could focus on my weaker areas and the box came with a ring to hold cards. The week before the test I went through the whole deck and took out cards I needed to review more. Each day I had a different set of cards to look at during passing periods or when I was waiting for practice to start. By the end of the week (the test was on a Friday morning), I felt secure going into the test and I certainly wouldn't have without these notecards. THEY SAVED MY LIFE!

Barron's AP Human Geography Flash Cards by Meredith Marsh Ph.D.,Peter S. Alagona Ph.D. is These were a huge help in helping my freshman daughter pass her AP Human Geography exam. Highly recommended!

Barron's AP Human Geography Flash Cards by Meredith Marsh Ph.D.,Peter S. Alagona Ph.D. is These cards were not that useful for studying. A lot of the terms on the flashcards were unnecessary and one did not need to know for the test. As this was my first AP exam, it did make me feel better to stock up on all of the prep materials. But in the end I did not use these flashcards more than twice because they provided no real good review for the AP exam. The flashcards were in good condition but I do not recommend buying these flashcards for this specific class to study for the AP exam.

Barron's AP Human Geography Flash Cards by Meredith Marsh Ph.D.,Peter S. Alagona Ph.D. is As exciting as flashcards can get.